Moncton Employment & Training Services, Inc. (METS) has provided services to the Greater Moncton area since 1953. Founded by a group of parents, METS was established to provide services for their adult children who were affected by an intellectual disability. Since its initial conception, METS has continued to develop and adapt its programs to meet the needs of the people we support and our community. Today, METS continues to provide agency based group programs, as well as community employment supports, to over 200 individuals with intellectual disabilities in the Greater Moncton area and South Eastern New Brunswick.
Three core values form the foundation of what METS does; Dignity of the Person, Developmental Model and Life with Others. These concepts guide what we do so that the people we support are able to attain the necessary skills to live as independently as possible in their community. METS agency based programs, located in the Moncton Industrial Park, provide various activities to meet the needs of the people we serve and are designed to facilitate development in pre-employment, and life skills. These programs are funded by New Brunswick’s Department of Social Development.
The Community Employment Agency (CEA) is a division of METS and is located in Moncton’s downtown core. This agency provides employment supports for people who are affected by an intellectual disability or a brain injury. CEA serves individuals in South East New Brunswick and receives funding through its membership with avenueNB Cooperative.